We are jaipur(india) based company and want to buy secondhand computers & computer parts in bulk every month (brand lg, samsung, dell, ibm, hp, etc. ) viz Monitor 15",17",19". Motherboard p3 & p4. P3 cpu 800mhz or above P4 cpu 1.3ghz or above Ram 128,256,512 ddr,128,256 sdram Cd rom/rw 52x H. D. D 40gb,80gb and above The above parts must be tested and in good working condition. Warranty of the above parts not less then 3 months.4% extra parts required (free of cost) against damages and losses. Payments: - advance with order or partly advance and remainig through lc at sight.
Rates must be quoted for c. I. F mumbai (india). Supply period: - 4 weeks |