Buy Pumps For Liquids [USA]
We are an importer and distributing company from the US and now in a position that needs to import high quality pumps for liquids.
Any reliable suppliers that is able to provide these products to us please don't hesitate t Detail... |
Buy Baler Twine [United States]
Please offer very best prices C&F Memphis, TN USA for multiple 40 ft containers of;
1. 110 lb x 10,000 ft (2 x 5000 ft spools)
2. 130 lb x 9,000 ft ( 2 x 4500 ft spools)
Orange color
Prefer boxed but will accept strap Detail... |
Buy Notch Trowel [Australia]
We are need of Notch Trowel,BLTDF36110 11”x4½” 6mm C
BLTDF36120 11”x4½” 10mm C
BLTDF36130 11”x4½” 12mm C
BLTDF36160 11”x4½” 3mm V
BLTDF36170 11”x4½” 6mm V. Detail... |
Buy Bolts [United States]
We are an agent for major fastener manufacturers here in the US who are interested in working with China.
We have a customer who wants to buy 230,000 pcs of structural bolts. If you make this kind of bolts, please contact me for Detail... |